Statistician |Research Based Data Analyst | SPSS| Research writer
Hey! I'm a highly skilled Statistician, Research Writer, and Data Analyst with a Master's in Statistics. With robust data analysis and research background, I am here to offer my expertise and support. Whether you need assistance with research work or require in-depth statistical data analysis using tools like SPSS, Excel, Minitab, SPSS AMOS, and Google Spread Sheet, I am well-equipped to handle your project. My track record speaks for itself, as I have successfully completed numerous research projects and a thesis. With over 5+ years of experience in the field, I have worked on a wide range of projects, totaling more than 190, collaborating with clients from around the globe. Rest assured, my expertise extends to being a certified data analyst specializing in SPSS. If you choose to work with me, you can expect exceptional service and timely delivery. I pride myself on providing excellent support to my clients, ensuring their satisfaction with my work.
You can ask me for help related to:
-- Professional writing
-- Research design,
-- Dissertation data analysis, MS Office, IBM SPSS
-- Designing and justifying their Research Methodology
-- Survey Analysis
-- Statistical reporting and analysis through SPSS, AMOS, EXCEL
-- RESEARCH, Proofreading dissertations, and research papers related to Social Sciences, Marketing, Finance, Accounts, Economics, and other FIELDS.
I'm here to assist u, whether u require research analysis/data analysis for project purposes using SPSS.
• Reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha), descriptive analysis
• Parametric
• Non-parametric
• Regression analysis
• One-way and two-way ANOVA
• Repeated measure ANOVA
• Independent t-test, paired t-test, one-sample t-test
• Correlation analysis
• Mann-Whitney U
• Kruskal-Wallis H
• Chi-square
• Cross-tabs analysis