I write for passion. I love poetry, literature, and fantasies. I am a creative with the golden pen. I love writing news,articles, blogs, and creative contents.
I am uniquely different from the pack. I love telling stories because the world thrives on stories. Everyday, it's such an opportunity to tell another beautiful story. I live to write. I write to live. I put my client's interests at heart. I love service to humanity. I have written several articles, stories, poems, and creative writings for blogs, professionals, and organizations. I dream to write. I passionately love telling stories. I creatively enjoy writing.
I love simple stories. I love journalism. I love the art of telling simple stories in relatable ways. Hence, everyone has a story to tell. What is your story? I can help you tell your story in the most unique way, ever.
I started writing at a very young age, and over the years, my passion for writing is insanely terrific. I can wake up in the middle of the night and viola, I am inspired to write. My friends call me "The Golden Writer" because my writings are timeless and priceless. I am a very good team player, articulate, adaptive, patient, and innovative. I am always thinking of creative ways to add value to my clients.
I believe we can all co-exist despite our differences. I do not believe in racism or tribal segregation, or any form of prejudice. The skin color doesn't define who we are. Love must always conquer all things. I love writing in serene environment where the birds are chirping, the bees are humming, and the sky is blue.
I try my best each day to write even at my leisure. I read voraciously. I am ardent reader of stories of different genres. Paying attention to details is my forte. I remain resilience at the face of several hurdles. Writing at night or in the morning, I am always shaped by the experience of my day-to-day happening; hence, every single story is birthed by my experience of whatever I see, hear, or even feel.
Writing stories whether comical or something serious, I ensure I research. Writing for blogs is always a dream. I love reading the news. I also write songs. I'm also interested in fictional stories. I believe the future is full of exciting opportunities, so, there is the need to get updated about events around.
What story do you have to tell today? How do you want your story be told? The universe is beautiful with our stories. We color our world with the human stories we tell. However, I believe there are dangers to a single sided story; different layers to the different stories we tell.
I have written stories that were compelling. I love stories that challenge the narratives and change the narratives. We must always be alert to tell our stories. Our stories are uniquely ours. Nobody tells the story better than I do. I write articles, news stories, opinions, and column. I love traveling the road less traveled.
Work Terms
I'm a morning bird, I love simple communication style, I enjoy working with those who appreciate my inputs, correct in love, and are always ready to refer me for other opportunities. I love being paid for each job I do. Communication is the principal thing. There is always the need to discuss the proper work ethics required for any client.
I love being paid per hour. I deliver on time. I do not plagiarize. My writings are uniquely mine. I can work with anyone as long as there is trust, mutual respect, and understanding. There is the need to always bring tasks and properly inform me when there will not be any writing job available for the day or week.
My hobbies are writing, traveling, exploring new places. I love experiencing other culture. I love the different cuisine. I love the music blaring out and I love some adventures. Your interest comes first. I love contributing my quota to the growth of anyone or any organization I work with. One of my work terms is transparency. If you are not transparent especially in the area of payment, then working with such a client will be a big challenge.
We have to discuss the means of payment before we get to work together. Accuracy is important for me. However, if you have any complaints about my works, don't hesitate to inform me. Also, payment plans vary and that must be discussed.
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