Thanks for your visited my profile! My name is Jacky and I live in Indonesia.
I'm a highly-qualified professional with 6 years experience in developing mobile application for Android,iPhone,iPad, ionic framework,Design, Php, React.JS, Node.JS,MySQL, Javascript,Blockchain.
I have successfully launched over 40 projects in various domains and technologies, ranging from simple apps to complicated projects.
My main objective is a process-oriented approach that combines experience and creativity to find the most productive solutions and succeeding results. I am proficient enough in working in close collaborations with offshore clients as well.
Flexibility and keeping ahead with technologies are my strengths, so I can guarantee the high quality of the work done.
I went to Ciputra University and picked computer science as my faculty. It was a very challenging and a very motivating moment in that time. Why? Because I love to study systems (how it works) and also solve something logically (or puzzle kind of problem). In this case, developing web and mobile application requires a good problem solving skills. So I thought I'd be fine.
And so.. I graduated with awards that I could never think of from the start. I won best academic award in my university for 3 straight years. Never expected that.
My Main Skills:
- Xcode, Objective-C, Swift
- Android studio, Java
- React Native,Redux
- iONIC framework
- databases: CoreData( MagicalRecords including), SQLite
- internet and server side interactions(AFNetworking library): REST API, SOAP, JSON, Parse, Google API
- maps: iOS MapKit Framework, Google Maps API
- social networks: Twitter API, Facebook SDK, VK SDK
- storage: local storage, cloud storage (icloud, dropbox)
- multimedia (photo, video, audio)
- tools: Redmine, Git, SVN, SoapUI, DBMS (database management systems), Crashlytics
- notification/reminders: Local Notifications / APNS,EventKitUI
- in-app purchases
- iAd
- Google Play Services and Patterns
- Android
Work Terms
Full time work and On Time budget and On Time Delivery