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    “To be honest, I have attended different courses in different places…and I can say Jaffar is the best instructor so far. He was very smart & nice way in communicating the information to us. I would highly recommend having another course with him in the future”.

    Monther AlBasry

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    “Jaffar’s classes for me were one of the best and fruitful classes that I have ever attended throughout my career. We have all looked forward to have an official material done by him for the course and we were insisting and following up with him because we had the faith that it will add value to our

    understanding and knowledge that other material lacks in doing so. Jaffar explains subjects that can hardly be understood from books and materials by a way of simplifying it on his own way. The way of[Jaffar] teaching make you understand the hard stuff, makes you superior on others from other courses”.

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    Mohammed Al Abbasi, CRA, MSc.

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    Jaffar has a wide range of knowledge in banking and finance not only in the course topic but also in many different areas under the banking and financial umbrella. Jaffar helped me Understand what’s behind Basel 2 rules and gaining the required knowledge/Skills to apply them. His courses are very ba

    lanced between theory and practice with a lot of real life cases. With his specialty in Basel accords, and with the continues improvements on them. I definitely like to meet him again in different courses. Jaffar has a critical mind, and for you to understand Basel stuff you need to listen to someone who criticize them, Jaffar is one of the best to do so”.

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    Ali Abdulla Marhoon, Assistant Manager, Risk Mana

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    “Jaffar Excellent subject matter knowledge and shows good understanding of Basel II and III. Of course I would take another course with him and would recommend his courses to my colleagues and friends. His Basel II course was methodological and was managed very well by inacting interest of the parti


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    Sayed Ashfaq Ali Shah, Head-Treasury, Investment

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    “Jaffar is very knowledgeable and excellent trainer. i ,of course, recommend other directors to take courses with Jaffar”. -

    Najat Al-Suwaidi Board member of Kuwait Internatio

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    “I would take more courses with Jaffar at anytime and would recommend other directors of banks boards to take courses with Jaffar. Jaffar opens new thoughts to subjects.”

    Anwar Bukhamseen Vice Chairman of the Board - Kuw