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  • Android App Development
  • Android Development
  • Android Studio
  • App & Mobile Programming
  • App Development
  • Java
  • Programming
  • Software Development


  • Android App Developer

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Currently I am working on Developing Adnroid Apps & Writing New Articles() to setup effective Portfolio. I spend my spare time learning about ● I'm looking for help with developing an Android App ( Intelligent...

    Android App DevelopmentAndroid DevelopmentAndroid StudioApp & Mobile ProgrammingApp Development


Highly motivated M.Tech student specializing in Android app development, passionate about cybersecurity and ethical hacking. Proficient in creating user-friendly Android applications, leveraging modern frameworks and problem-solving skills to ensure efficient solutions. Skilled in ethical hacking principles, risk assessment, and maintaining secure app environments. Valuable hands-on experience in software development and testing, with a unique perspective on security aspects. Excellent communicator, adept at collaborating with teams and clients. Enthusiastic about staying updated with the latest trends in Android and cybersecurity. Eager to contribute expertise and deliver exceptional results for clients.