$35/hr · Starting at $450
Hello! My name is James Jessie . I am a web designer and marketing specialist Recently, I have been working exclusively on freelancing outside of studios and without intermediaries, during this time I...
Hello! My name is James Jessie . I am a web designer and marketing specialistRecently, I have been working exclusively on freelancing outside of studios and without intermediaries, during this time I have developed more than 9 sites, from landing pages to multi-page portals.I am a certified Tilde designer. I have noticed that the success of a project always depends on the preparation and effort laid down at the start. Just as a rocket needs 80% of the fuel to get off the Ground, so before launching a site, you need to spend some effort so that after putting the project into its orbit, the resource costs are predictable and bring dividends.Therefore, I start projects by analyzing competitors, the market, the target audience and searching for meanings, then writing texts, and then I go directly to the design.
I work under a contract, non-cash payment is possible through an individual entrepreneur
Marketing Analysts
Marketing Collateral Designers
Social Media Marketers
Direct Marketers
Social Media Designers
Content Writers
Management Experts
Marketing Materials Experts
Visual Basic Programmers
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