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  • Article Writing
  • Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Creative
  • Descriptive Writing
  • Editing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Language Translation
  • Law
  • Product Descriptions
  • Recording
  • Review Writing
  • Rewriting
  • Transcription


  • Writer

    $9/hr Starting at $75 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a great content and article writer who wishes to amaze the online community with my skills. I have been in the industry for about 18 months now.

    Article WritingContent WritingLanguage TranslationWriting
  • Transcriber

    $8/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    With an excellent concentration, I have had the capability to listen and carefully record exactly what i have heard on paper

  • Fictional and Non fictional writer

    $9/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am an experienced writer of both fiction and non-fiction. I offer great works from the initial story-line to the final editing, I put extra effort in every step of the process and seek to exceed all...

    Article WritingBlog WritingCreativeDescriptive WritingEditing


I have great article writing skills and an excellent transcriber (I say what you say).

"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please."
As a social science graduate, I have a wide knowledge of activities within the social sphere which includes sociology, politics, education, business relations, international relations and public relations. With more than one year experience in article writing, I boast of excellent writing skills. I possess great listening skills which puts me at the best position as a good transcriber and a virtual assistant.
My mission is to work in a dynamic and challenging area, that will offer me with the opportunity for personal development and the chance to put my expertise and knowledge to use, and in turn, help others achieve their objectives.
I have good experience in using computer software and search engines to access up to date literature publication, new technologies, and scientific news through the internet.
I’m a very social person who has expressed different communications skills

Work Terms

Kindly always offer clear instructions.
Always offer a reliable mode of communication.
Always offer reasonable timelines.
Assist me to improve where you find I have failed constructively.