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    I have traded in oilfield equipment for over thirty years, and a major problem for me has always been communicating with partners, customers and prospects. The nature of my business requires presenting a lot of information to customers or to people who would joint venture with me to obtain and sell

    equipment. It needs to be clear and accurate, and most of the time it needs to be persuasive. When I have used Jim Ruth’s services, the information was always clearly organized and presented persuasively. His business plans and joint venture proposals have consistently been successful at generating interest among those I wished to join with me in these enterprises. If you have an important message to deliver, I recommend Jim Ruth’s services. No matter what type of document it is, he will deliver your message better than you can do it yourself. Over and over again, I have read the documents he wrote for me and thought “Yeah – THAT’S what I wanted to say."

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    Danny Houck, CEO, D. K. Houck Enterprises

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    In my capacity as the President, COO or CEO for various start-up and turnaround companies over the past 13 years, I have often had critically important writing tasks that I required. Jim Ruth has always made himself available to handle those tasks for me. Even when I had in-house personnel that woul

    d normally complete the task, I usually turned to Jim. He has, on several occasions, prepared business plans that were essential tools in my successful search for investors or lenders. He has written a multitude of business agreements, promotional pieces and press releases for me, occasionally written articles for our websites, and he has often taken care of business correspondence that required particularly sensitive treatment. The work product that I received was always on schedule and perfect for my needs, and the value I received consistently exceeded my cost. I highly recommend Jim Ruth to anyone in need of writing services.

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    Lyn Anglin