A seasoned business professional, putting my experience to work as a freelancer!
When I graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Hospitality Management, I was confused. Confused about the direction I would take with a major that I wasn't sure I could do anything with. I knew that I didn't want to work in a hotel or restaurant and had discovered this fact after it was too late to change my major for the third time. I had to take a step back and assess what my skills were and how I could use them most effectively. One of my greatest skills is my command of the English language. Throughout my college career it was the best tool in my toolkit. Of all the assignments I received, I knew the essays were the ones I would ace. This has continued in my professional career, and has helped me to excel in local politics, a career in commercial real estate, and in my role as the president of a local business association. Let me put these skills to work for you! I am skilled at writing marketing materials, blog posts, creative material, and anything else you can think of.