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  • Article Writing
  • Bilingual
  • Chinese Language
  • Content Writing
  • English Language
  • Proofreading


  • Translation and Writing Services

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Bilingual, proficient in translating between English and Chinese and writing articles/ posts/content in both languages, am also able to proofread, check and edit existing work, am able to do so in either...

    Article WritingBilingualChinese LanguageContent WritingEnglish Language


Bilingual professional

Bilingual in English and Chinese since young, track record of excellent results in various national examinations (Cambridge GCE O and A Levels) and frequent usage of both languages at work and in life, deliver work of good quality, effective in conveying the message that is required and meeting the needs, meticulous to ensure work is error free, timely work to meet deadlines, open communication, easy to reach out to for liaising on the requirements, high quality and efficient work at affordable rates