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Always ready to bring you the services that you desire! Contact me, and let me see what I can do for you. Ready to work, and I stay consistent to do my best to work hard and get the job done

Hello, my names Jasmine looking to see what Service you need providing for me to help you. My hobbies are listening to music, watching educational youtube videos, and reading. Going out to park on walks, dinner with friends. I seek education 7 days a week. My church is amazing, and I love meeting new people. I have a company I am building a brand here's been moments when I thought I’ll get it, and somethings like nope. The good thing about failing is you learn from the mistake, and move forward, and I'm looking to make some extra money as I build this brand
There are also people that are for entrepreneurship completely that yes they should expand their mind, and take themselves to places they never thought about. They are willing to learn all the skills, and steps to get into entrepreneurship sometimes without even going to school. Once they really take the time to get the tools they need to start well they're ready to change their lives and become successful. Others around would think they're crazy or not thinking clearly if they plan to drop out of school and become successful because what they can learn as a new entrepreneur they couldn’t learn in school. That is because they can go to the right mentors and get all the support to get started in entrepreneurship but you may not get the support you expect all the time, these are the best people to be around for taking bigger steps. Entrepreneurship has been around for many years, the top ten ones are the most successful than a man that’s a lawyer or a doctor. If it wasn’t for the Wright brothers we wouldn’t have planes today, or we wouldn’t have microwaves. There wouldn’t be major designers today neither if it wasn’t for an entrepreneur mindset Chanel would have never been born if it wasn’t for Gerard Wertheimer; this person decided to change the fashion industry that changed the world around us The the owner of Macys one of the biggest clothing stores in the world what would things be like if they weren't born!!!!!!

Work Terms

I am willing to work thirty plus hours a week, and I can put some work in on Saturdays as well! I work very hard, and it does cost. ” When you are going after what you really want, the cost and sacrifice are unbearable for so many that they quit. As you pursue, your goals, and dreams you do question yourself with the cost your paying to go after your goals. The money will never be able to pay for the cost it takes it going after what you really want. When you’re in the boat, and you look around, and you see that it’s costing you sleep, time with your friends, and family. It hits you in a way that you never saw coming. You will now know until you’re in it. There are dozens of people who have committed suicide because they couldn’t handle it anymore, so yes it’s tough and it’s not for everyone. Its a blessing having all these different talents to be able to provide all these services for you all! I stay on task, and I always get the job done. It takes work to get to where you need to be in life, and we wish it can come fast, but it just don't come fast the way we want it too I am very excited to provide what you're looking for. You can ask me anything on my past work experience,and you can feel free to contact my team,to know about my work ethic. I do not play games when it comes to getting the job done,I am here for you to put in the work. The company I have been pushing to really build this brand since January has been very time-consuming. With how hard I work I shall be owning a private jet right now and owning multiple assets that pay me while I am asleep. I really do know what hard work is. I will pour myself into the work you assign me, and you pay me. You're going to be amazed at what I can do for you. Let me run this by you as well, I believe we will have more projects available for me to do. Ready to start working this week, and really push to get the work done, and the results you're looking for. There are no regrets with me I have what I take lets work!!!!