My commitment is to perform the job as per your request.
I do translate using standard international Spanish. I am a well educated Colombian (Professional & Post-degree) who also provide translation services; experienced in fully translating websites and software, you will certainly not regret of hiring me.My commitment with you is to perform the job as per your request, and just "deliver the final version" once you are completely satisfied with the results. If there is the case, to join and guide you during the process for us together to come into a quality product.Traduzco utilizando Español Estándar Internacional (sin slangs). Soy un Colombiano bien educado (Profesional & Especializado) quién también se dedica a los servicios de traducción; con experiencia en la traducción de sitios web y programas; de verdad no se arrepentirá de contratarme.Mi compromiso con ustedes es desarrollar el trabajo tal y como lo solicitan, y solo "entregarles la versión final" cuando estén completamente satis