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  • CodeIgniter
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Android
  • Android App
  • AngularJS
  • Apache Cordova
  • App Design
  • App Development
  • Client Requirements
  • Hybrid Apps
  • Integration Software
  • Ionic Framework
  • iOS
  • JavaScript

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  • Web Development

    $20/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Web development, Wordpress or Framework based, for all kind of websites. From little E-commerce sites with Wordpress to full Magento online commerce website, from fixing a broken blog or plugin to build...

  • Software Developement

    $30/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Do you have an idea? Or maybe do you want to improve or change your current software? Or even you don't have software at all and you need it. From requirement analysis to the final product.

    Client RequirementsCodeIgniterIntegration SoftwareJavaPHP
  • App Developer

    $25/hr Starting at $750 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    From platform specific apps with java and objective-c to generic web based apps with Cordova/Phonegap. It depends on the requirements, but the app will fit your needs.

    AndroidAndroid AppApache CordovaApp DesignApp Development


With effort comes knowledge, with knowledge comes experience and with experience comes the well done job. And teamwork, imagination and creativity are the engine of that effort.

I have two spanish CSFP degrees in "IT Application Development" and "Web Application Development", but my academic training ends in there. Mainly I am self-taught.

I always lived sorrounded by computers and in 2008 it became my profession.
As a developer, i specialized on web environment, and going through so many projects since then has allowed me to evolve from a simple, easy programming, to using large complex tools.

Currently i'm interested in computer security applied to web environment and i'm trying to improve my skills to get a deeper knowledge every day.