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  • Math and Science Tutor

    $5/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi, my name is Jay. In the past, I struggled with math and science. However, with proper guidelines and dedication, I can confidently say that I have conquered my fear in these subjects. Now, I want to...

    Algebra TutorCalculus TutorChemistry TutoringHelp DeskMathematics


Hi, I am Jaydeep. I recently graduated from high school and will soon be attending university. As I step into my early 20s, I am eager to start working and earn my own expenses. Everyone has to begin their career somewhere, and I have chosen this platform as my starting point. I understand the importance of starting from scratch and building a strong portfolio. Therefore, I am open to taking on even the minimum-paying jobs and am committed to giving my utmost effort to every opportunity I receive.

I bring a strong set of skills to the table and am confident in my ability to provide valuable services, including:
1. Math tutoring (up to high school level)
2. Physics tutoring (up to high school level)
3. Chemistry tutoring (up to high school level)
4. Bengali language translation

I am enthusiastic about leveraging these skills to help others while gaining valuable experience. I look forward to contributing to and learning from this community.

Work Terms

To be discussed