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  • Design
  • GNU
  • Graphic Design
  • Linux Programming
  • Networking
  • Open Source
  • Program Management


  • JugLit Enterprise

    $14/hr Starting at $40

    A reflection of the works done by open source such as GNU and Linux, I have been inspired by its pioneers of the time I was using a computer. I learned how to program in less than 2 years after getting...

    DesignGNUGraphic DesignLinux ProgrammingNetworking


I have written some websites based on recognition with some of the highest prolific companies on the internet.

We have about 800+ people global and currently still adding.

Founded: 2017

Work Terms

We work full-time during the weekdays and weekends.

Jehovah Christie
Jehovah Christie
Mangaldan, Pangasinan, Philippines