6+ Years of Experiance in Embedded System Development for various job types.
- Firmware design with Embedded C/C++ for ARM-CM4/CM7/CM3/CM0/CM0+,PIC,STM32,NXP,8051,Arduino,TI-C66xx,TI-PRU.
- Embedded Linux based Board Porting with Yocto build systems for Processors like AM335x,AM57xx,Rpi,Beaglebone Black,Beagleboard.
- Experiance with Several OS like FreeRTOS,TI-SYS/BIOS,Embedded Linux.
- Hardware Design with peripherals like UART,Q-SPI,I2C,I2S,DDR,LCD,SD-MMC,USB-MSC HOST/DEVICE,PWM,ADC,DMA,Touchscreen,TFT,CAN.
- User Interface design with Emwin,Qt/QML,TouchGFX.
- Database Design with SQLITE for Windows,Linux,MCU's.
- Sensor interfacing like Pressure,Flow,Temperature,Humidity,Light sensor,Touch sensing-Capacitive/Resistive,Oxygen,Current,Distance sensing.
- Schematic and layout design Using KiCad.
- BLE based service developed for Firware updates and data transfers.
- Control systems designing for various interafce like BLDC Motor,Temperature,Flow,Pressure.
- FATFS Porting for multiple MCU's for multiple interface like QSPI Flash,uSD Card.
- IDE Experiance with MCUXpresso,Keil uVision,STM32CubeIDE,Arduino IDE,Eclipse,CCS Studio,MPLAB X,MikroC,QtCreator.
- Distributed Embedded Systems design.