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  • .NET
  • App Development
  • C#
  • Engineering
  • Management
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Odoo
  • Programming
  • Salesforce
  • Software Development
  • SQL
  • Zendesk
  • Zoho


  • Full Stack C#/.NET Development

    $59/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Senior Software Engineer with extensive programming experience using .NET technologies and an exceptional ability to research and solve complex problems. Excellent knowledge of CMS development and customization...

    .NETApp DevelopmentC#EngineeringManagement


Full Stack C#/.NET Engineer

Senior Software Engineer with extensive programming experience using .NET technologies and an exceptional ability to research and solve complex problems.

Excellent knowledge of CMS development and customization using .NET technologies specifically, SharePoint and Salesforce.

Deep experience in database application development using SQL, JSON, and .NET technologies.

Experienced software development manager who can connect engineering organizations with the other functions in an enterprise and has knowledge of all aspects of software development life cycle and software methodologies including Agile.