Mobile & Web Developer with passion for best practices and standards & doing things the right way.
High Level Web / App Developer for Hire (for a low rate!) So, figured this was worth a try.. I am a high level, enterprise experienced developer available for extremely low rates, due to baggage! My name is Jimmy Rousseau, and I have worked professionally in the field for 8+ years, for multiple companies, from small start ups, & product companies, to development shops, making apps for fortunate 500 companies, on a large scale level. I have multiple household brands under my belt, and steller recommendations, and feedback from fellow developers who are now developing at large names such as, Apple, Tinder, Amazon, Fitbit, Uber, and more! What's the catch? we'll a few years ago, I fell into the pull of opiate dependence, where eventually dispute my steller work performance, I was spending my salary on my addiction.. eventually, surprise, surprise, It all came crashing down, when my work discovered some laptops missing from storage, and reported them stolen, which the police checked the pawn broker network, as they usually do, and seen it was pawned under my name. I did this multiple times before, but I started getting comfortable, and doing it more and more often, of course always with the best intentions, of just doing it till payday then putting it back, no harm no foul. I didn't realize I was doing what an addict does best, rationalizing, just wishful thinking, what I had to tell myself. I spent the next 2 years in and out of jail, as my coworkers without felonies went onto bigger and better things.. now I am finally in the position to get my life back together,but I have one big handy-cap, because I pretty much robbed my previous employer, employers do not want to give me access to their office, and expensive equipment (I don't blame them!) so that leaves remote contractor work - so I am putting myself out there for work, freelance, and hope that companies will work with my past in order to get a high level developer that would otherwise be too expensive