create high quality software in reasonable time, excellent in team cooperation
- 15 years in IT brach
- experience with whole software lifecycle
- experience with multiple programming language
- experience with software testing, analysis, architecture
- experience with multilanguage and multicultural teams
- team cooperation
- experience with team leading
- focus on results and team success, using win-win approach
I’ve finished project in Wien for Wiener Netze GmbH. company, I cooperated like programmer. We delivered technical solution for emergency report during electrical current malfunction. I was responsible for creating, testing and documenting application.
Before I worked for Birlasoft company, I cooperated like technical coordinator. We delivered technical support of several internal applications like Qualtrics, ExactTraget, Ourspace, RickConnect, SimpleX, 10000ft. I was responsible for coordination of technical support for SwissRe Company with Indian team from Birlasoft company. I was responsible for quality of customer care, help communicate with customer, help with planning and scrums leading. I found more effective way of cooperation and prevented of potential threads.
Last year I defend MBA degree in leadership of company. I have worked about 15 years in IT branch. I worked like team leader of 8 junior programmers in the Accenture a.s. Company. I have also experience with all software lifecycle development of smaller projects. It means I made a contract, analyze customer needs, assign work to my cooperators, test the functionality and finally install release. I made programmer, tester, team leader and service support in corporate projects. I have also experience with projects abroad in multicultural environment.
During my professional career, I implemented some IT projects with small team. For example web site for headhunters, account management processing results, trade of
Work Terms
Working hours: 8-18 CEST (Prefered/outside by agreement)