To build upon and enhance my acquired skills and evolve in a professional manner.
I am a Marketing Management graduate and I firmly believe that my years at university have contributed a lot to build my personality - seriousness, work efficiently and be diligent in everything I do. I am an active social worker as I am an active member of the Junior Chamber International Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill - a NGO, which militates and prone values that young people can make a positive change in society, by so doing through community projects among others. Being part of this fabulous organization helped me to grasp a little more the concept of integrity and team spirit which I find to be important principles to have in a work environment.
In terms of interpersonal communication, I am fluent in English and French and I used to have a good relationship with everyone I have worked with. I can also work in a team, able to consider and analyze different opinions and take the initiative if necessary.
I know you all want the brightest and most inventive candidates, but I also know that I have all what it takes to do the job effectively.
Work Terms
Willing to work 8 hours per day at 8$/hour.