Researcher and data scientist with health, HR, and social sciences expertise. More than 15 years experience. Deliverable focused.
Talk to me about designing your research, your online surveys and data collection tools, or about managing your consumer online panel survey research. With data in hand, talk to me about data mining, statistical analyses, interpreting your results, and about packaging it all in a concise professional report.
My goals are: 1. to use technology to streamline how we gather intelligence; 2. to use my research design, analytics and informatics experience to make your information meaningful and actionable; 3. to use my exceptional writing about statistics, research, and technical information to take your deliverables to the next level.
As i continue to build my on line presence I am interested in applying my expertise to short and mid term projects using tools including typeform, survey monkey, and survey gizmo as well as MS Excel, Power Point, and Power BI and Adobe Creative Suite.