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  • Beta Reading
  • Feature Writing
  • Investigative Reporting
  • News Writing
  • Software Testing


  • Beta reader

    $7/hr Starting at $28 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    A beta reader is a test reader of an unreleased work of writing, typically literature, who gives feedback to the author from the point of view of an average reader. This feedback can be used by the writer...

    Beta ReadingFeature WritingInvestigative ReportingNews WritingSoftware Testing


Where the magic of stories meets the thrill of adventure—one book, one campaign at a time.

A passionate reader, I find endless joy in the world of books, especially novels that transport me to different times, places, and realms. From classic literature to contemporary fiction, I relish exploring complex characters and intricate plots. My love for storytelling also extends to Dungeons & Dragons, where I immerse myself in epic campaigns filled with adventure, strategy, and creativity. Whether I'm unraveling the mysteries of a novel or shaping the narrative in a D&D campaign, the magic of storytelling is at the heart of everything I do.