I have a great passion and take pride working as Virtual Assistant. Having a 2 year experience in online industry I still consider myself new at this sector of job but I have certain qualities which makes me good at this. I have gained some useful skills that is essential and give me some edges in the field of virtual assistance. Before entering the online industry, I have done plenty of research on how online industry works or what kind of opportunities awaits for me in the online industry. As a freelance virtual assistant I currently provide a number of service. I am highly proficient in Tools used for Data Entry or Data Management, Graphic Designing, Quality Assurance, and Content Management System, Basic Database Management. My knowledge of a wide variety of computer programs allows me to easily take on nearly any task I am assigned.
Being a Detailed and Organized professional, I pay close attention to the small details and ensure quality and precise output. I tend to use methodical approach working on some tasks because it is established form of procedure and somehow efficient but I don’t limit myself in using the approach over and over again. I still search for other ways and or approach in order to deliver a quality result to the client. I am open for new ideas because there are always new skills to learn and techniques for us to adopt.
As a virtual Assistant, I can do the following:
·Basic Video Editing
·Data Entry/ Data Collection
·Graphic Designing
·Quality Assurance
·CMS Management System
Tools used or tools that I have an experience using:
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
CMS TOOL(Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress)
Database Management(MySql)
Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint)
Basic Computer Programming ( C++, Java, PhP)
Microsoft Visual Studio
Google Drive
ProShow Gold
I possess excellent communication skills both written and verbally ensuring to resolve issues and developing a good working relationships and always