Professional Presentation designer rendering the best quality service. I will Visualize your world.
Name:Joseph Inakhu
Also on Fiverr I am a professionally trained and certified freelance graphics designer, with 10+ years practical experience.
I am highly skilled at designing logos, flyers, Info-graphics, power point presentations, artworks, photo editing, background removal, posters, banners, post cards, business cards, etc.
Basically all your design objectives fulfilled at a corporate level. I am here on Guru strictly on Powerpoint presentation because it is what I am best at.
If you are looking for a Powerpoint Presntation that is attractive, exceptional, modern, unique and elegant design feel free to contact me. You are welcome!!!
Work Terms
I will work 5hours in a day,10$ per hour. My preferred communication is English but can also interact constructively with French and Spanish.
Attachments (Click to Preview)