Digital Marketing Wizard | Strategy, Content, SEO | 7+ Years XP
This is the part where I…
… ramble about myself, gently stroking my ego as I bludgeon you to death with the blunt instrument of glazed, bloodshot, bleary-eyed boredom.
(Until you flee to the next section.)
It could get ugly.
Me? I’ve had a love affair with words and ideas since I could toddle over to my dad’s typewriter to monkey-slap the keys like the violent little imp I happened to be.
Things haven’t changed much since.
Marketing, from strategy to ideation to creation, is more than a controlled channel of raging fun and unrestrained, childish creativity. It’s an almost tangible form of happy — an emotional caffeine pill maybe, or an edible word-rainbow of LSD.
The kind that kicks in when you get RESULTS. Results feel good. And they're addictive.
Like you could bottle it up and peddle it as a cure-all, opium-smack-crack sort of tincture. That would be cool.
There was a brief stint (I think I was 7) when I wanted to be a garbageman.
Then I wanted to be a potato farmer.
And a football player.
But those dreams quickly faded before the ultimate dream: to be a marketing wizard.
Because marketing managers manage, specialists specialize, directors direct.
But wizards?
That's where the magic is.
Merlin wouldn't be Merlin unless he got results from his craft, nor would Gandalf or Mickey or Harry.
And a marketing wizard isn't a marketing wizard if the words and ideas he sends into the expanse of the digital universe don't bring back the goods.
And that's what I cared about most — performance; cold, hard, shiny results.
Merge that with an unstoppable addiction to psychology, art, and wordsmithing and KAPOW!
Marketing wizard Josh was birthed.
The rest is a muddled history, traces of which can be found in the sacred archives of (There's case studies too!)
In the end, it’s ideas, dreams, words and RESULTS that get me up in the dark of the morning and keep me charged into the silent of the night.