Murder, Mayhem, Or Adventure; It Can All Be A Fun Time Writing It.
I've always been an avid reader and a fan of most genres; mostly sci-fi, adventure, and mystery; but I've enjoyed them all.
Even as a young boy I wrote a lot; always loving to expand characters and create new worlds; in my later teen years I got into the tabletop RPGs and my imagination exploded from that point onwards.
I'm an experienced GM having played D&D [2nd Ed Through 3.5 ed], GURPS, Palladium, D20, and a few more obscure ones.
I've created both fantasy and science fiction worlds with my most enjoyable being the science-fiction because it can anything everything, magic, high technology, mystery, adventure and more.
It was after I had played several campaigns in the Sci-Fi world I created that I decided to finally create my own roleplaying system; its taken a decade but its coming closer and closer to being finished with an expansive rule set that allows you to either do thinks simply or in-depth as you'd like.
My first novel is based off this RPG world that I created.
Work Terms
Currently I work third shift so I am only available for short periods of time during the day; but am available all day Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and most of Mondays; if this goes well I may stop that job and write full time.
Payment is 10% up front; rest on completion.
Work conditions - I don't mind questions being asked during the progress of the commitment; please just don't spam me and if during the course of the job if you'd like to read what is done that is perfectly find and I will attempt to edit or change anything you do not like...
...However I do ask that if you only give me some vague idea of what you are wanting that you don't ask me to do change after change; but I'm willing to work with you as best I can.
I'm open to any genre out there; there are exceptions to this rule however...but that can be discussed if what you are wanting tips over into one of those areas.