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Total Feedback Received: 3

  • BrandonWrites · Nov 01, 2018

    JP is an amazing artist and collaborator. We always have a blast working together and see eye-to-eye on everything. I'm more than satisfied with every drawing he turns in and can't wait to work with him again and again each time. Great communication, attention to details, feedback, all of that. I have great respect for JP and the work he does.

    for One comic page of full sequential art

  • BrandonWrites · Apr 10, 2018

    Amazing amazing artist. His attention to detail and commitment to the project were 100% -- He was flexible and brought new and great perspectives to the art without deterring from the initial direction. I recommend JP to to everyone looking for a skilled illustrator and overall creative genius.

    for One comic page of full sequential art

  • victoria 92 · Oct 24, 2017

    JP did a fantastic job doing background art for an animation. He brings a lot of style and imagination to his work. He is precise and quick. This particular job was challenging because it was a different style of animation but JP really got it. I hope to do more work with JP in the future.

    for Illustration