$30/hr · Starting at $180 Ongoing
Dedicated Resource
Sketching services for conceptual design for new product developments, character illustration among others
$45/hr · Starting at $360 Ongoing
Mainly focused in product design 3d modeling, I can help you out to set your projects ready for prototiping
With the rendering service, your 3d models will convey the reallistic ideal or illustrative exemplification of your products.
Industrial designer
1. Hours of operation: Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 19:00 hrs local time Lunch time: 14:00-15:00 hrs2. Prefered style of comunication: a) Teleconferences vía Skype, Facetime or Google Hangouts b) Project management vía teamwork pm or basecamp
Rhinoceros 3D Experts
3D Rendering Experts
Adobe Photoshop Designers
3D Printing Experts
SolidWorks Designers
Adobe Illustrator Experts
Industrial Designers