English to Spanish translator - My guarantee: check and correct the work until it is perfect.
From 2011 to 2017 I worked as a Race Car Chassis and Suspension Designer in two important categories of Argentina, with very good sporting success (four victories in 2017).
Although I'm not a graduate, I studied the entire Aeronautical Engineering career at the National University of La Plata, and then I trained as a self-taught Race Car Engineer, using mostly books and technical articles in English, so I consider myself highly qualified to perform general translations and especially technical translations in the Engineering branch.
I have also translated technical documents for use by the rest of the staff in the teams where I worked.
The discipline acquired in Competition Automobile Engineering motivates me to seek to improve myself permanently, and therefore to undertake each job with the challenge of exceeding my client's expectations, delivering exactly what he needs, and when he needs it (or before)