Senior Full-Stack Web developer && Web Scraping Expert
I'm a senior full stack web developer based in the Philippines.
I help clients increase their exposure and improve their sales through branding materials such as business cards, identification cards, posters, brochures, logos and websites.
Also for the last 6 years, I've accomplished many achievement as a senior web developer.
I've developed and built many complex web sites as per client's needs and provided amazing result with quality they wanted.
I arranged my key skills and experiences.
- Programming Languages: Javascript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Bash
- Front-End: HTML5/CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, HAML, Slim, SAAS, LESS, SCSS, typescript, coffeescript, Angular.js (version: 1.x, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7), React.js, Vue.js
- Back-End: Python, Django, Flask, Node.js, Express.js, Ruby on Rails, Laravel
- CMS: Wordpress, Joomla
- Web Scraping: Python Scrapy, Beautiful Soup, Selenium
- Automation, Testing: Selenium, Unit Test, QA Testing, Xpressdox
- API Integration: Google Map API, Twitter API, Facebook API, Stripe API, Twilio API, RESTFUL API
- Cloud Hosting: Amazon Web Service, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Google Cloud
- Database: mySQL, postgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Firebase
- Design: Adobe Photoshop