I truly care about the quality of the websites I build for people.
I am a hybrid web designer/front-end developer, based in Buffalo, NY, who likes to keep things simple. I truly give a damn about the things I design and build. Less points of friction equals a better experience. Try driving home from work using only right hand turns, it may take a bit longer, but you will find you are making the lives of your fellow drivers just a bit better.
During the past 15 years of designing/building websites (8 of those working remotely), I have learned to think of the individual and what will make their life easier on the web. Building a website, in this day and age of many devices/screens, is the perfect training ground for learning good UI/UX practices. You learn how to remove the cruft and provide the user with exactly with what they need.
When I'm not working on the web I am making sounds with musical instruments.