I am a full-stack software engineer, with a drive for working on complex challenges and displaying my knowledge in the field. My passion for continuous learning is an asset I take great pride in, and it has allowed me to develop my skills in engineering through innovative critical thinking to our current societal technologies. My strengths of inclusivity, empathetic thinking and execution of remedying interesting challenges have not only best equipped me in my previous professions in customer services, auditing & human resources, but also currently in how I inspect the engineering challenges that develop over time.
Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, EJS, Python
Frameworks: Node, Express, jQuery, Django, React
Databases: MongoDB, Mongoose, PostgreSQL
Tools: Bootstrap, Materialize, AJAX
Management & Deployment: GitHub, Heroku, Slack, Trello
Methodologies: OOP, MVC, Authentication
Additional skills: Human Resources, Communication, Customer Service