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  • Academic Research
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry Tutoring
  • Research
  • Scientific Research
  • Tutoring


  • Chemist and chemistry tutor ,researcher

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    HiĀ  I'm professional chemistry tutor since 2019. Conceptual study is key to achieve mastery in organic chemistry. I love have great experience of online teaching. I have worked as chemist in many industries...

    Academic ResearchChemistryChemistry TutoringResearchScientific Research


Make your own way

I'm professional Chemist and chemistry tutor. I did my masters in organic chemistry with 3.98 CGPA/4 . I'm a gold medalist. I'm highly passionate about doing job in any educational field especially as a Chemistry tutor.I love to purpose possible mechanisms of chemical reactions. I've worked in many industries to make strong grip on concepts behind every chemical reaction. Besides these I'm a vedio editor. I'm currently editing videos of some vloggers. I'm passionate and determined to do job.

Work Terms

I can work 2-3 hours per day with about 4-5$ per hour or depending on the demands of Employer. I can teach for 4-5 years or as per the demand of Employer. I'm very punctual. I'm highly passionate about work.