I am searching for an effective and knowledgeable part time job apart from my studies so that i can learn new things.Specially to improve my english skills by being embedded in the language.
I am a college student persuing bsc in chemistry honours from jamia hamdard.i have done my schooling from navyug school.i beleive in being with the persons more educated and knowledgeable than me.i do value of my time but sometimes i get distracted by doing some time killing things like sleeping for more hours and doing little more of what i have already done before for doing it a bit more perfect.i am a honest person.i have good typing skill as well as have knowledge of programming languages.and i am good in studies i can help in explaining a concept in science moreover in chemistry and also basic mathematics of 1st-10th standard.i had done work in the laboratory as well.i am a health concious kind of person and also do personal training in gym and outdoor and also yoga.i do gardening which is my favourite hobby.i love travelling in the early mornings and late nights.
Work Terms
I can give minimum of 2 hours during weekdays and more in off days i.e saturday and sunday.i can speak native hindi language and english language as well as punjabi and hariyanvi to some extent.