Thank You. You really are the reason Network is the Agency it is. Clinton Mitri, Operations Director Net#work BBDO
You are so talented. So organised. So incredibly good at what you do. Sophie Mayer, Strategic Planner Net#work BBDO
Um, beautiful ladies. I just want to say that I fully respect
the care and effort you put into the work we do. Thank you. Julian Watt, Executive Creative Director Net#work BBDO
If I can sell washing powder, I can certainly sell the best suit I have ever worked with. Stuart Walsh, Creative Director and Strategist, Geoff
This is long overdue but honestly, this is the only time I’ve had the time, chance and courage to articulate exactly how I feel about you especially in your professional capacity. I salute you Karen Smit, for the amount of work you do across all the brands you work on here at Net#Work BBDO (Cell C, Netstar, SABC 3, plus picking up the loose ends on Rosebank Homeless). I salute you for your implacable efficiency, your constant and
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