I am Kaustubh ,I am interested to do a part time job related to data entry,web development,app development,web scraping and PHP backeend development (backend)
Started a startup business collabter.
it is to create a platform in which any business (small or big) related to travel and shop concentrate more on their product and service more rather than commercials. Business is beautiful but valuable feed back from customers and clients makes it more efficient.Here we are creating a platform where interaction of business can take place.We will be adding reviews and rating from trusted sources by which customers can get valuable reviews while booking or searching.
If you are a business and want to integrate with our platform , you can contact us and if you are a customer ,you are always welcomed to drop a feed back to us. We always self evaluate ourselves . We would ? to hear from you.
Work Terms
5-10 hours daily.
If you wanna try me like say for one hour or introduce me ,I will surely do it.