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  • .NET
  • Application Development
  • Application Management Services
  • Java
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Software Design
  • Testing
  • Web Services


  • IT Software & Web Sevices

    $8/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Kclink is a global diversified outsourced IT services and solutions company. Since 2007, we are assisting our clients to achieve their business objectives by successfully outsourcing their non-core business...

    .NETApplication DevelopmentApplication Management ServicesJavaSearch Engine Optimization


Empowering Enterprise

Kclink is a global diversified outsourced IT services and solutions company. Since 2007, we are assisting our clients to achieve their business objectives by successfully outsourcing their non-core business processes and delivering enterprise solutions. Kclink executed numerous engagements for diverse clients by leveraging our people, processes and technology to catapult our clients to achieve their business potential.

Kclink has earned an ISO: 9001-2008 and qCMMI Level III certification. At its core, this certification means that all clients can count on us to perform with consistency and quality. We also received award for being the fastest growing India Company by International Achiever’s Conference (IAC).

We have vast experience in offshore outsourcing and have matured into a dependable outsourcing partner providing substantial value and savings to our clients.

Founded: 2007

Work Terms

Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Mode of Communication: Any