Delivering relevant knowledge, customized strategies and measurable results!
Kevin Carter is the President of Inclusion Innovates. Inclusion Innovates is a diversity and inclusion consulting firm. We engage in strategy development, knowledge transfer, and coaching.
Kevin has over 25 years of experience as a diversity leader for companies such as Safeco Insurance, BP and Campbell Soup. He helps individuals, teams, and companies leverage cultural commonalities and differences for business impact.
His latest work is on two assessments and corresponding workshops: Leading Inclusively during Polarizing Times and The #MeToo Imperfect Ally.
Inclusion Innovates helps organizations address Diversity & Inclusion challenges and opportunities such as changing demographics, lost market share, declining revenue, stalled innovation, attracting and retaining top talent, next-generation leadership development, and workplace collaboration by delivering Relevant Knowledge, Customized Strategies and Measurable Results.
Work Terms
Our rate structure is customized to your needs as determined during our complimentary discovery session:
Hourly - includes products, tools, and training (excludes any travel or
license costs) - ask for a quote
Defined Project - ask for a quote
Retainer - ask for a quote
Our initial engagement project charter will include an estimate of all project costs. We complete work in clear segments or modules so that you can review our efforts against your business objectives and determine if the engagement should continue. We also provide you with customized deliverables throughout the engagement that will have value in and of themselves.