Over 21 Years software development experience
Initially a trades person, I ventured into the world of software development after studying programming at a private I.T. institute in Brisbane.
My first job was a trainee programming in PICK. After 6 months or so I found a job at a office telecommunications information software provide, which used Delphi (Delphi 1) as it's main development tool. I have been using Delphi ever since. I have been developing software, largely with Delphi until recently. Currently working largely with C# in Visual Studio. I believe in software quality and honest and timely communication.
I also attend Church, being involved at various levels. I am a local volunteer rural fire brigade member and fire fighter. I am married with 5 children.
For further information regarding my professional background visit my linkedin profile: https://au.linkedin.com/in/kevingdayau
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