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  • Machine Learning


  • Machine learning

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    A programmer who can make machine learning models on any dataset using python skills and libraries such as numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn, keras, tensorflow and more also able to make deep...

    Machine Learning


Machine learning engineer and data analyst

I am a 20 years old student in the faculty of science department of biotechnology, one year ago I decided to start learning machine learning and python programming and I grew a passion for it, I learned using Coursera especially Andrew Ng machine and deep learning specializations and Udacity Data analysis nano degree. right now I have experience in machine learning as you can check my account on Kaggle in which the project I have done using python with its famous libraries such as Sklearn, Pandas, Matplotlib, and others. However, I am still improving getting more in-depth with both machine and deep learning, trying to implement more projects and work on myself more to find a job in the career I am passionate about.

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