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  • .NET
  • Ajax
  • Andriod Apps
  • Android Studio
  • App Development
  • C
  • C#
  • Design
  • Desktop Applications
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • Microsoft SQL Server

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  • Web, desktop and mobile app development

    $15/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi, my name is Khalid Mansoor, a 27 year old Pakistani citizen living in Lahore (happy to prove everything), and a professional full stack developer by trade with more than 5 years of experience. In short...

    .NETAjaxAndriod AppsAndroid StudioApp Development


I prioritize customer satisfaction and timely delivery of the project by using latest technology and employing best practices to make it successful.

Hi, my name is Khalid Mansoor, a 27 year old Pakistani citizen living in Lahore (happy to prove everything), and a professional full stack developer by trade with more than 5 years of experience. In short I can develop any application for you with the latest technology and using the best techniques.

I value customer relationship and customer satisfaction. You can find me online 6 to 7 days a week, message me to say hello I'm easy to chat to and very keen to achieve a 5/5 result for both sides, get in touch :)