javascript, gamedev, bitcoins dev, front-end, nodejs, freelance, moddle developer, full stack, single page, react, backbone, angular, mongodb, restfull
Hello! I think that future on the freelancing.
My work experience:
I worked in one of the best bitcoin startup as a back-end developer(nodejs). App is Restful, very interesting project, big and cool team. NDA.
Used vagrant, demons, big stack of technologies.
Had experience in gamedev(html5), added new features, code refactoring, optimization. I worked in a team. I used html5, css, sass, js, jquery, createjs, lodash, git, webstorm with jslint, jshint. Game is like a tower defence.
At 2014 worked in startup as a junior JS developer. I was responsible for frontend, backend and db structure, used NGINX as a balancer. For data used mongodb. Node.js on the backend. Angularjs, with library on the front-end. For authentication I used passportjs module for node.js, a templating was dust.js. Backend was working in conjunction with app for Windows. App for Windows communicated with backend by dint of the library. Project stored in cloud, OC Ubuntu. It was first project where I had experience with angularjs, expressjs, dust.js and
Second project in this startup was about app that used gps data of some devices. Used backbone on fron-end (Models and controllers). Used mongodb on database. We had two back-end application, first for client side(front-end), second for work with gps devices. Used rabbitMq in conjunction backend of client and GPS backend. On mongodb we used sharding and replica set. So I had level up my skills of : AngularJs, BackboneJs, mongodb sharding, bootstrap and etc. on this projects.
In free time working on startup), just started. Had experience work with cakephp, postgresql.
I am working in ubuntu (LINUX). Gentoo - had experience to core assembly (assembled anonymous OC on a flash drive).
Work Terms
Nodejs is my preference (expressjs, loopBack, krakenjs). Not interesting gamedev and bitcoin projects(can't work about 1 year). Want work in a team, like a middle js developer, full-time freelancer. On the front-end I have preference use angularjs 1 or reactjs and sass.