$9/hr · Starting at $25
We are designing very simplified and tremendous Dashboards , which do not use your data, for your business activites , like the inventory , and your sales follow-up . This will help you keep an eye to...
$9/hr · Starting at $35
This is our simplified and tremendous sales management dashboard . The document will help you contro your exits and entries of products . With the indicators on the dashboard , you will be able to : -...
I'm Kouyo Wilfried , 23 years old . I'm holding a bachelor degree , in American Civilization . I have recently worked as a customer support agent , in a french company , located in my country. I worked on a bilingual project , dealing with selling reconditionned devices . This is where I got my expertise , in after sales services , customer support, by emailing , and phone calls. Furthermore , I'm a Digital Marketer , also dealing with copywriting , and Data Entry. Finally , I will mention my huge skills in Excel Spreadsheets , and Designing simplified and automatic Dashboards .
I can operate 25 hours a week
Excel Automation Consultants
Spreadsheets Experts
Excel Macro Programmers
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