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  • Design
  • Ole
  • Tax
  • Advertisement Design
  • Logos & Identity Packages
  • Poster Design


  • Logos & Identity Packages

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Design Matters. When used correctly, it is a powerful and effective tool, helping your product or service succeed. It is my goal with each piece to create intentional, well-thought-out design solutions...

    DesignLogos & Identity PackagesOleTax
  • Brochures

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Design Matters. When used correctly, it is a powerful and effective tool, helping your product or service succeed. It is my goal with each piece to create intentional, well-thought-out design solutions...

  • Displays & Posters

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Design Matters. When used correctly, it is a powerful and effective tool, helping your product or service succeed. It is my goal with each piece to create intentional, well-thought-out design solutions...

    DesignOlePoster DesignTax
  • Direct Mail Pieces

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Design Matters. When used correctly, it is a powerful and effective tool, helping your product or service succeed. It is my goal with each piece to create intentional, well-thought-out design solutions...

  • Advertisement Design

    $35/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Design Matters. When used correctly, it is a powerful and effective tool, helping your product or service succeed. It is my goal with each piece to create intentional, well-thought-out design solutions...

    Advertisement DesignDesignOleTax

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