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  • Accounting
  • Amazon Listings
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Creative
  • Customer Support
  • Keyword Advertising
  • Keyword Research
  • Lead Generation
  • Management
  • Research
  • Web Research


  • Amazon Account Specialist

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have experience managing Amazon seller central account, creating listing, customer service and product research. Other than that I also have experience in launching sponsored ads campaign, optimizing...

    AccountingAmazon ListingsAmazon Web ServicesCreativeCustomer Support


There's no amount in this world that could replace the time spent with kids.

I started working in BPO Industry for 1 year as a Customer/Technical Support Representative. We provide 24/7 support to AT&T U-verse customers, fixing internet, IPTV and VOIP connection and even providing assistance to self install internet connection. After a year, I decided to venture freelancing industry and I became an Online English Tutor for Chinese students. However, due to a noisy environment I decided to resign and went back to BPO. After a year, AT&T pulled out the account for security reasons and we lost our job.

I decided to go back again to freelancing and worked for as a lead generation specialist(non-voice). My main task is to gather emails of marketing specialist in USA and CEO for small businesses, the job went well but not the employer as he declined to pay me.

I found another client who gave me a lot of opportunity and even took his time to train me to learn how Amazon works. I was able to manage his Amazon FBA store (Retail) and Amazon Merchant store (t-shirt designs). After a year of working with him, I just woke up one day with no emails, skype message and whatsapp message from him and lost all his access to his account.

If I will rate my Amazon skills from 1-10, 10 as the highest, I'll give it 7. 7 because there are things that I need to learn and must continue to learn. As e-commerce change from time to time this will give me an opportunity to adapt the changes and learn the new trends in the market.

Work Terms

Flexible working hours, hourly hours can be negotiated after 6months based on performance, willing to track hours using time doctor(personal plan), can be reached via skype, email and whatsapp.