I always get things done and deliver a unique result which combines my passion for human centered design and skills in visual design, art and illustration.
Hi, my name is Lada, I am Czech living in Australia. In 2018 I finished my PhD in political science, went through a career transition with a complex career coaching program and now I am enthusiastically following what I am best at: creativity. Painting was always my hobby and since my brother is in IT, I always was around computers. I designed my first website in 2015. I love creating original art, illustrations and translating it in digital form. All my web designs are based on human centered design principles, practical intuitive and functional, as well as visually 'pretty'.
Work Terms
I am casually employed as a UI/UX designer, my work hours are flexible, therefore I can always schedule in my freelance projects and even prioritize them if needed. I use a web design contract so that both sides agree on terms and conditions prior to commencing of the project. I work in stages and present my work to a client multiple times in the course of the project - my clients always are part of the process. My upfront fee is 40%. I prefer Skype or Zoom communication, however I am happy to communicate with my clients based on their preference.