Making sure it makes sense
English into Spanish translator, editor, transcriptionist and subtitler.
Working as a full-time translator since 2009. As a translator, I have completed projects including financial, legal, medical, tourism and technical translations, as well as translations of websites and personal documentation.
I enjoy taking on new challenging tasks which allow me to further develop my personal and working skills.
I would describe myself as a goal-oriented, responsible, organized linguistic provider.
Freelance Translator
Freelance English Translator
2009 - Present
As a freelance translator, I carry out translation projects on a daily basis and on a variety of fields for several international translation agencies and end clients. My areas of specialization are medicine, educational materials and marketing. I take pride in describing myself as a goal-oriented, organized and responsible linguistic services provider.
Best translation companies in the industry
2010 - Present
Transcription of individual interviews for newspapers Transcription of medical interviews. Long term project, over 10 hours of audio material transcribed. Transcription of market research. Focus groups and individual interviews. Ongoing. Over 50 hours of audio material transcribed for world-leading companies in different industries. Translation of corporate meetings and conferences for one of the best-known metallurgical companies in the world.
Work Terms
Working days: Week and weekends
My e-mail addresses: bazzanalaura@yahoo, laurabazzana@gmail