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    This letter is my personal recommendation for Laura Branscum. I have been Laura's immediate supervisor since 1999 to present. I find her to be delightful, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile. From the time that Laura started with the company, I was impressed with her drive and deter

    mination. She was hired as the receptionist and quickly learned the business and moved up in the company over the years to her current position as Corporate Secretary. She has also just recently been appointed as the Director of the business and is also a shareholder in the company. She holds these positions because she is highly trusted by the owners and major share holders of the business. Laura is a hard-working individual who knows how to get the job done quickly and effectively. She has always exhibited superior communication. She is respected by colleagues and management. I highly recommend Laura for employment. She is a team player and would make a great asset to any organization.

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    Harvey Lohmeyer President of A.G. Williams Holding