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  • Grant Writing
  • Campaign Planning
  • Crowdfunding
  • Fundraising
  • Grant Research
  • Social Enterprise
  • Brand Consulting
  • Branding
  • Community Development
  • Economic Development
  • Housing
  • Nonprofits
  • Small Business
  • Social Media Coaching
  • Social Media Marketing

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  • Nonprofit Strategic Planning

    $55/hr Starting at $275

    Your group will develop a three- to five-year strategic plan that clarifies your mission and organizational values and outlines the concrete steps you will take to meet your goals. You may choose to receive...

    BrandingStrategic Planning
  • Grant Research

    $35/hr Starting at $90

    I use several specialized grant research databases, as well as research into the funding structures of organizations similar to yours, to compile lists of strong leads for grant funding. If your organization...

    Community DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentGrant ResearchGrant WritingHousing
  • Grant Writing

    $55/hr Starting at $110

    I will develop proposals for your group that speak to a funder's priorities and communicate clearly your case for support.

    Grant ResearchGrant Writing
  • Brand Platform Development

    $55/hr Starting at $440

    I will help your group identify its brand values, brand personality, and brand promise through an eight-hour workshop with a workgroup representing all levels of the organization (board, staff, volunteers,...

    Brand ConsultingNonprofitsSocial EnterpriseSocial Media Coaching
  • Fundraising Consulting

    $55/hr Starting at $275

    Fundraising consulting identifies your organization's current needs, the best funding streams to meet those needs, funding goals for each funding stream, and concrete strategies for achieving each goal...

    Campaign PlanningCrowdfundingFundraisingSocial Media Marketing


Helping nonprofits find the resources they need to create change.

Social Impact Consulting builds mission impact for clients through resource development services, strategic planning, and brand platform development.

Lead Consultant Laura Sweat has more than 12 years of experience in nonprofits, and six years of specialized experience in housing, community development and economic development at the management level. She has also managed communications and marketing at nonprofits over five years, and uses branding, social media management and campaign planning as fundamental tools in resource development planning.

Founded: 2014

Laura Sweat
Laura Sweat
Buffalo, NY, USA