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  • English Language
  • Article Writing
  • Artist
  • College Education Planning
  • Filipino Translation
  • Interviewing
  • Language Translation
  • Publication Production
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Skill
  • Speech Writing
  • Transcription


  • Translator (English/Filipino)

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am looking for translation requirements either English-Filipino, or Filipino-English. Since I am fluent in both languages, I can cater to both formal and informal translation jobs. I could also provide...

    English LanguageFilipino TranslationLanguage TranslationRequirements AnalysisSpeech Writing
  • Transcription (English)

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have several years of experience in transcription and I'm looking for opportunities to utilize this skill. In college, I was part of an official publication and mostly we needed to interview different...

    Article WritingArtistCollege Education PlanningEnglish LanguageInterviewing


Results-focused Writer and Translator (English-Filipino, Filipino-English)

I am a Management Economics graduate with a minor in Filipino Literature. In college I was part of the editorial board of Matanglawin, the official Filipino publication in the University.

I have published numerous articles and columns as a contributor throughout my 3 year-stint with the publication. During these assignments, I have also learned other important skills such as interviewing and transcribing prior to writing and editing the article itself.

I took up courses in Filipino Literature such as Screenplay writing, Literary theories, just to name a few.

I am well versed in both English and Filipino as the curriculum is bilingual.

In terms of work experience, I have spent 6 years in Finance and Banking, whereby I have developed a good knowledge in excel and creating complex reports and presentations.

Work Terms

Willing to work on an hourly-basis or fixed projects